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Coqui XTTS Commercial License FAQ
Q. How do I buy an XTTS Commercial License?

Here's the checkout link.

Q. Is this a one-time $365 or $1 per day purchase?

One-time $365. That covers you for 1-year.

Q. Which XTTS versions does the license cover?

All versions released to-date (v1.x, v2.x), plus any new versions released while your license is active.

Q. Can I sell content that I produced after the license finishes?

Yes. If you make an audiobook today with XTTS, you can sell that audiobook even after your XTTS license expires.

Q. Do I need the license if my use-case isn't commercial?

Nope. If you're using XTTS non-commercially, it's free. You're already covered under the default license (the Coqui Public Model License).

Q. Is this licensing for unlimited web-based SaaS API usage or is the license for self-hosting / on-premise / locally running the model?

It's a bring-your-own GPU deal. You can run XTTS on your servers, on a macbook, on a desktop computer... wherever you want. While you have an active license, they're your model weights, you run them where you want.

Q. If I fine-tune a model, is that covered under the same license?

Yes. A fine-tuned model is covered under the XTTS commercial license. However, like the base XTTS model, you will always need a license to use any fine-tuned model commercially.

Q. Does the license come with dedicated support?

No. However, if you need dedicated support, we're happy to talk about that under a custom [email protected]

Q. Does the license cover shipping the model to customer's computers? Like a videogame that runs locally on the gamer's desktop?

Yes. But you'll need an active license for your users to upgrade to XTTS new releases.

Q. My company isn't generating revenue yet, do we qualify for the license?

Maybe. If you have both under $1M USD in annual revenue and under $1M USD in funding, then you quality. If you are over that bar, we're happy to talk about a custom commercial license: [email protected]